The Things you Own End up Owning You - Tyler Durden

Saturday, November 18, 2006

What happens when a good-looking,intelligent guy doesnt seem to find any girl attractive??Rumours abound...And his Close Coterie of Confidants(friends) are quick enough to jump at the chance faster than a flock of vultures over a carcass.Jokes run riot and soon everybody's joined in...Just One of those days in the 1st Sem....


The night was dark and lovely too
And you took my breath away when i met you
But then you grabbed my penis
When i was gazing at Venus
I jumped and screamed "Hey!!"
Only to realise that you were gay
I was so shocked and so jolted
that i grabbed my poncho and i bolted
But you followed me back to my house
And then i realised that u were a mouse
I was almost mesmerised by your gait
So i used my neighbour as bait
I figured he'd be safe with all that Fat
But i didn't know you were The Homosexual Rat
I couldn't see with all that fur
But you fucked him and said "Thank you Sir"

PS - Erm...Whatever!!!

1 comment:

the MONK who BOUGHT the ferrari said...

man that was FUCKIN hilarious....n dude, u can level with me....c'mon temme, where'd u get it from??....coz theres NO WAY in HELL u coulda written such a BRILLIANT piece whjich even shakespeare wouldve been proud of..........or is there?...neway, nice blog