The Things you Own End up Owning You - Tyler Durden

Friday, July 18, 2008


Life is all about the Bonds that we create for ourselves.
Glorifying in their comfort and squirming at the bondage simultaneously.
We fashion ourselves in a parasitic and indulgent manner just so that we could
feel more at home in the chains that we comfortably bind ourselves in.
The very same chains that we once assumed we were safe from....
The very same chains that became our necessity without even our knowledge.

It sounds like a complete cliche, but the fact remains that we have never
been as helpless in our lives.
The monotonous days that every person experiences and goes through thinking how
much better it wud be for the person who walked by with a smile on his face but oblivious to the
possibility that the same person could be feeling nothing but a glint of ironical satire at his own misery.
No one's having a perfect day....and no one's likely to have it either.

Why is it so??
Why has Mankind degraded to such depths that even the simplest of emotions seem impossible??

The Answer lies within us.
It is because of what we have become.
All our lives are spent in the pursuit of an existence that we dont need.
We are led to believe in happiness being the destination to a very arduous journey.
We continue to run after mirages with dreams of salvation and we dont realise how
futile everything actually is.
Whatever we accumulate is just an illusion of comfort that we believe in, but never truly had.

Man is designed to feel and sense.
Not to be a Storage device so that he can store away
his happiness for a perfect end that might never even arrive.
We Shouldnt deny ourselves any pleasure that is afforded to us.
And we should learn to do what we want to...and forget about what is to be done.
Atleast once in a while.

" The best thing about you is that there's no one like you"

1 comment:

the MONK who BOUGHT the ferrari said...

HEY, you're BACK!!!.....
havent read your post. thot i'd leave a comment first...
its good to see u here matey :D