The Things you Own End up Owning You - Tyler Durden

Monday, January 22, 2007

Racism : A Pigment of our Imagination?

How much of a racist do you really think you are?? Chances are you are more than you think you are....We have an inherent way of defending ourselves and our flaws by using logic that is generally tough to explain to some one else.And such is the case with us Indians when it comes to racism.We have of glorifying our racist naturewith a very nonchalant air.However,we are also equally quick to cry foul whenever some Caucasian does it and immediately seek World Sympathy...
The truth is that we are a country with a racial culture that is too deeply ingrained in us to ever be rid of completely.The Same Aryan blood that coursed thru the veins of Hitler is present in all of us.It is a symbol of our racial superiority and dormant as it may be,its not dead.
Isnt religion,race,caste,language and colour all part of the same dirty thing called discrimination?The bad thing about us is that we are the worst hypocrites when it comes to racism.We practise it more than the "racist" Caucasians.We are fraught with Bigotry and Prejudice.
So,the next time Shilpa Shetty is singing "Dont Cry for me,India" and secretly wishing for you to do the exact opposite,take your time,sit down,think and realise just how bad that person must have felt when you "teased" him about his skin colour.I have done it a thousand times and never have i been able to justify my actions to myself.
And neither can u.

Corporate Lesson
"Encourage Protocol but Kill Bureaucracy" - Ajay Patel


Nanhe Kissan said...

Hey.. interesting point, but don't you feel that racism is vanaishing away even if it's in minimal quantities?? I mean we encounter hundreds of people, all different, from different races having different personalities and different lifestyles.. and yet everyone gets comfortable with each other in no time.. There are so many people in India and of our generation who consciously try to be unbiased to recondition our mind.
Respecting people for whon they are and however they are just because they're human.. Isn't that the right way to go?? :)

Nanhe Kissan said...
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Nightwalker said...

Of Course...thats the whole point of humanity.
People seem very threatening and scary from afar...but when you get to know someone, u realise how similar we all are.
Racism, like any other prejudice, is not going to go away by just a generation of liberal thinking.
This is a deep rooted ailment that will only the society one person at a time.
Its all about personal Thought and choice.