The Things you Own End up Owning You - Tyler Durden

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Do i turn Jehadi ?

As the fire burns down and Bangalore and Ahmedabad recover from the serial blasts that crippled life and turned the city into a chaotic mess, a very surreal thought enters my already turbulent mind.
What does an IT professional, preoccupied with the monotonous work and the veritable peanuts, give back to the country that he lives in.
The country that harbours , nurtures and provides him with every opportunity to feel happiness and prosperity.
Does a "Jehadi" do better for his ?

We live our self-centered lives in the hope of improving our own plight, worrying about not being appreciated and celebrated. Or does our Patriotism confine itselfto supporting our equally self-centered Cricketers in their pursuit of money and fame.
We take pride in the achievements of a few people. We do our best to reduce thatdreaded column in our payslips that reads "Income Tax" to a bare minimum (or nothing).Infact, this is fairly well-planned. For us.

A nation of almost 2 Billion.
The Largest Democracy in the world.
A Nation with the second fastest growing economy.
A Nation Often crippled by acts of terrorism.
A Nation filled to the brim with the educated middle class who lead their consumer-driven lives with nothing resembling remorse.
Are we another USA in the making?

A few individuals with deep pockets plan from afar and end up terrorising us.Our Freedom, our Happiness is snatched away from us.
DO we fight it?
If yes, how ???
Why cant our Ambanis and Mallyas donate just 1% of their incomes into fighting fire with fire ??? (a la,the Bin Laden Family)
Why cant we March into their homes and give them the same Fear that we feel now?
How about a crack team of mercenaries unleashing hell on a terror warlord and then disappearing into the night ?

Iam a staunch believer in Mahatma Gandhi's non-violent ways.
But there are sometimesthat turning the other cheek is not advisable.
It is often said that peace is just the pre-cursor to a war.That conflict is inevitable and is the only constant.
We know that and we have felt it time and again. Terrorism is just a war being raged uponthe civilian population by a phantom enemy.
And we cant let them win when we know that weare better than them.

Why cant we use our computer skills; the same skills that drive and control the most powerful of all worlds, the internet.
It is no wrong thing to say that our war is partly fought in the bytes that make up the web.
It is a world which is constantly discovering its own strengths and frailties.
And it is this grey are that these terrorists take advantage of.

We must let these people know that anyone who thinks that they can use the annonymity of theWorld Wide Web to instill fear and terror in the hearts of our brethren that they have an oppponent that they haven't expected and comprehended. An Opponent who will outlast and outwit them in a way that will leave them gasping.
Lets raise our voices and let them tremble from the timbre of our roar.

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